So, you’re all set. You’ve got your ticket booked for our Flash Fiction Slam, you’ve got your story written, your nerves are set to ‘steel: strongest possible’, and you’re ready to compete for prizes that include publication, books, and a detailed critique from Strix editor SJ Bradley, not to mention a coveted place in our Flash Fiction Hall of Fame. Our Festival Team spoke to this year’s judges, Benjamin Judge […]
Flash Fiction
3 posts
Workshop: Flash Fiction with a Dash of Science with Tania Hershman. Saturday 1st June, 10.00am-12.00pm. £14.
Flash Fiction Slam, with Judges Tania Hershman and Benjamin Judge.
Five minutes. One Story. Can you tell a story in less time than it takes to hard-boil an egg?
Take our challenge and you could end up in our Flash Fiction Hall of Fame! Tickets £4/Free.